Just a little sacrifice!

Hi Dear readers, it’s been a while, I know right, I missed y’all🥰, I’m glad to be here once again.
It’s a new week, so let’s dive in🏄🏼.

You must have heard this word before, “Make a move” and now seeing it again, you may just want to ignore🥰, hold on, let’s check some things out together.

Many a times, we make decisions and all we just want it to make everything to come to manifestation, Hey, don’t forget, things don’t work out that way, unless you have a magic…..lol 😂……

Yeah, we all need to make action in order to allow our desire to come to reality and not just as imagination alone.
In our action to push our dreams come through we need to do a lot of things;

Sacrifice: nothing comes easily, therefore, you just have to make sacrifices, wake up early and get your day activities done on time.

Commitment and determination: it’s possible you could imagine great things and yet, you are not committed, don’t think you won’t expect obstacles on the way, you will, but your commitment and determination will help you achieve your goals.

Just do it: some times we get to a stage in our pathway of achieving our goals and we begin to ask series of questions and we begin to doubt our abilities, listening to so many advice from different people.
One thing have come to realize is that, the moment you begin to seek advice from different people, you may begin to loose interest in your goals, we’ve forgotten not everyone perceive things in the same way, until you learn how to do things without seeking so many advices, then you are ready to achieve your goals.

Ignore the nay sayers : we’ve all heard this a lot, the amazing thing is that, those saying nay to your decision actually think they are right,  because they will give you reason behind their actions. which means you are suppose to identify when the nay sayers voice arise and you should be able to stand on your decision.

Taking risk: To achieve anything, you just have to take risk, write that application letter, write that exam, submit the letter , walk into that company with boldness and faith, ask questions and submit your application letter.
Travel out of your comfort zone and make a move.

Everyone has the same 24hrs, my question to you is that, are you making your 24hrs worth it? Think about this!

Remember, one day, the sacrifices will worth it, so just have it in mind that it’s too late to give up! You will have big stories to share the world very soon.

Have a wonderful day😍🥰
A blessed week.
And a fruitful week.


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